How Do You Treat Overbite and Underbite Condition?
For underbite correction, examining a patient early can save money now and pain later, an orthodontist near me believes this. A type of malocclusion, a dental condition where the lower jaw swells up and outward abnormally, partially overlapping with the upper teeth. Bad chronic habits such as tongue thrusting, poor chewing, and continuing the use of pacifiers and bottles can cause an underbite. However, heredity is the most common cause. Studies show that a patient needs to be examined as early as 7 if they have an underbite. When correcting an underbite, young patients have it easier because their jawbones are still growing. To correct the underbite, several options are available. For a young patient, there are different options available when correcting an underbite and underbite braces are one of them. What is the process of underbite correction in adults? For an adult patient, underbite correction without surgery is not possible . The patient typically needs ...